About Me
- Name: Bombay
- Location: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Time is a machine for converting reality into memories, and memories into words. In the end there will be only words, words without connotations.
Previous Posts
- If he were to speak, we would not understand him -...
- "Of what we cannot speak, we must pass over in sil...
- Playing in the streeeeeets of Opera house.
- Stocktraders and diamond merchants looking lost ou...
- Panwalla (made from Betel nut) at Opera house.
- Hot sandwiches made on a coal sigri (stove) behind...
- Har koi chahe do bhiga zameen
- Shoe shiners at VT Station
- Manmad Express outside CST (VT) station.
- Tin housing in by the railway line
At 10:51 AM,
Dawn said…
amazing observation and great quotes to go with it :)...awesome combi..
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